Wednesday 18 June 2014

Student Awards 2014

As we get nearer and nearer to the end of the year, John Leggott College have decided to celebrate student success by having an awards afternoon. We, as a department, were asked to nominate 1 student from each area and then, out of the four, decide which one would come up tops and win the award. Gosh! It was difficult to nominate just 1 student from Fine Art! But, we managed it - here are the four nominees from Creative Arts....(drum roll please....)
Fine Art - Magda Wojtas
 Graphic Design - James Moore
 Photography - Holly Matheau-Raven
Art Foundation - Jess Charley
They have all been nominated for 'Outstanding effort,improvement & acievement in Creative Arts'
Very well done all of you. I'm sure I speak for all the tutors/technicians in the department when I say it was very difficult to decide! If we could have nominated more we most certainly would have done.
The awards will be given out next Tuesday, so watch this space! If I get the chance I'll have a little chat with the winner and blog about it soon after that!
Good luck the 4 of you. 


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